Special Admission Degree Honors Fr. Kevin Upham. 15791
Special Admission Degree Honors Fr. Kevin Upham. 15791
Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH
Project Description:
Twelve council members of our Admission’s Degree Team held an Admission Degree at Holy Martyr’s Church on the evening of November 14, 2018. The goal o f our council Admission’s Team is to work together in service to our council, our district, and the Knights of Columbus. Last evening we once again gathered to help one of our district councils by installing two new brothers knights into our Order and Council 101. This months Admission’s Degree Honoree is Fr. Kevin Upham. Present for the degree was DD Ray DiDonato, GK Bill Green and the candidates sponsors. Following the degree there was some social time enjoyed by all. Thanking the LORD once again for watching over all the Brothers and making this ceremony a success.
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