Special Award Presentation. 15791

Special Award Presentation. 15791


Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH

Project Description:

Council Members, Parish Office Staff and our District Deputy participated in our monthly Business Meeting in our Meeting Room at Holy Martyr’s Church. This evening as part of our meeting we had as our guest our District Deputy Normand Bisson. Brother Norman participated in our Business Meeting and was very informative with news from State and Supreme. At evenings end, District Deputy Norman presented our “Columbian and Founders Award” for 2020-2021, to Grand Knight Chris Madden, and those members present live and on ZOOM. This award was very much appreciated by all. As always, its’ very important to reach out and thank council members for their talent, and for the many hours of dedicated time they spend as volunteers, and Brothers of this Great Order. Thank You GOD for your many gifts.

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