Special Mass Celebrated By Our Pastor For The Seminarians of Maine. 15791

Special Mass Celebrated By Our Pastor For The Seminarians of Maine. 15791


Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH

Project Description:

Seven Council Brothers and Parishioners participated in our First Annual yearly Mass for the Seminarians of the Portland Diocese. This Mass took place this morning at Holy Martyr’s Church and sponsored by the Parish of the Holy Eucharist Knights of Columbus at 10:30 AM. At a recent business meeting it was discussed that recognizing our Seminarians is very important. With the council in agreeance, our Grand Knight requested through the Parish Office to have this Mass said today. Working the Mass today was our Pastor Fr. Daniel Greenleaf, and several other members of our council. With the dwindling number of active Priests here in the state we must stride to support our Seminarians in every way possible. Our Prayers continue each day for Seminarian Joseph Moreshead and Seminarian Joshua Guillemette who we currently sponsor as a council. May the Good Lord continue to guide them down the Path of becoming our Priests of the future.

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