St Joseph Parish Food Pantry

St Joseph Parish Food Pantry


Council: 11376 - BRIDGTON-FRYEBURG

Project Description:

Knights of Columbus 4th Degrees Tom Leonard and Peter Glyn, and 1st Degree Knight Joe Balchunas assisted the St Joseph Parish Food Pantry on July 26 and 27. On July 26, Tom, Peter and Joe assisted unpacking food products from the Good Shephard Food Bank truck and storing it in the St Joseph’s Church Food Pantry facilities. Tom and Peter worked 3 hours each that day, while Joe worked for 2 hours. On July 27, the clients were serviced, and Tom and Joe worked for 9 hours; 5 hours for Tom, and 4 hours for Joe. Tasks done that day were unloading and loading food carriages from the storage shed to make them available for the clients, and helping the clients load their cars. Tom also helped to display dry goods, frozen meat, and produce for the clients. Tom and Joe then helped clean up at the end of the day. The Food Pantry serves indigent families from the communities of Bridgton, Fryeburg, Harrison and Naples, and others nearby. 23 families were serviced on July 27.

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