St Joseph Parish Food Pantry

St Joseph Parish Food Pantry


Council: 11376 - BRIDGTON-FRYEBURG

Project Description:

On August 23, 4th Degree Knight Peter Glynn assisted the St Joseph Food Pantry for 2 hours in unloading the delivery truck from the Good Shepherd Food Bank, and stocking the food products in storage in preparation for the monthly food pick up day. On August 24, the food pick up day, 4th Degree Knight Tom Leonard and 1st Degree Knight Joe Balchunas assisted the Food Pantry in displaying the food, frozen meats, and produce on tables for client pick up. That day, clients were allowed to go through the area choosing the items they wanted. Tom and Joe also assisted by loading the clients’ vehicles and gathering and storing the food carts in the sheds after the event. Tom worked that day for 5 hours, while Joe worked 4 hours.
The St Joseph Church Food Pantry serves the indigent of the towns of Bridgton, Fryeburg, Naples, and Harrison, but is not restrictive to only those towns. On August 24, 19 families picked up food items.

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