St Joseph Parish Food Pantry

St Joseph Parish Food Pantry


Council: 11376 - BRIDGTON-FRYEBURG

Project Description:

On April 13 and 27, Knights of Columbus 1st Degree Joe Balchunas assisted 5 other members of the St Joseph Church Food Pantry in unloading a delivery of food from the Good Shepherd Food Bank, and packing the food into boxes for clients of the food pantry. Earlier, clients were able to go through the food pantry choosing from prepackaged food items, meats and vegetables, and placing those in their food baskets. With the onslaught of the Pandemic, members of the food pantry now pack these foods into boxes, with each client being allocated 1-2 boxes. 1st Degree Knight Joe Balchunas assisted in unloading the Good Shepherd Food Bank truck on April 13 and 27, a total of approximately 4 manhours.
On April 28 Grand Knight Patrick Bracken, 4th Degree Knights Tom Leonard and Peter Glynn, and 1st Degree Knight Joe Balchunas, assisted in loading food boxes into clients’ vehicles passing through the lot of St Joseph Church. 19 manhours were donated by those Knights on April 28. Not including the Knights, 8 members of the St Joseph Church Food Pantry participated in this service. Approximately 18 clients picked up boxes from the food pantry.
St Joseph Parish serves indigent clients located in Bridgton, Fryeburg, Naples and Harrison. Clients are indiscriminately provided services from the food pantry.

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