Stop and smell the Bacon
Stop and smell the Bacon
Council: 9782 - WELLS
Project Description:
Our Church typically would provide a coffee and donut hour each month after the 9AM mass. Unfortunately once the children returned from their Religious Education sessions, their were very little left in the way of donuts for them to have. Seeing this our Pastor asked our council if we could put on a Family Breakfast once a month year round to provide the opportunity for families to get together with their children to have a delicious breakfast complete with Scrambled eggs or “made to order eggs”, French toast, pancakes, waffles, Home fries, bacon, sausages, fruit cocktails, toast, English muffins, juice, water and coffee for an all you can eat at an extremely reasonable price to accommodate large and small families. This has been a great success and enables the families not only to celebrate the Eucharist together but to take time to smell the bacon and enjoy good family conversation while breaking bread together, which in this fast paced society we now live in; is family time well spent.
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