Support for Sky-Arch Hermitage
Support for Sky-Arch Hermitage
Council: 10020 - No. WINDHAM
Project Description:
Our Council received a letter from Sister Emmanuel Bryant, the occupant of Sky-Arch Hermitage in Saint Albans, ME requesting our prayerful support. We have always held her in our prayers.
At our February 1, 2021 Business Meeting her letter was read to the 20 members in attendance on a Zoom meeting. After hearing her letter a Brother in our Council made a motion to provide Sister with financial assistance. The motion was for $250.00.
All 20 Brothers in attendance voted unanimously to provide this financial support to Sister Emmanuel. The funds were taken from our general funds available.
We voted to support this ministry in the spirit of Blessed Michael McGiveny who felt that the least among us should be lifted up and supported.
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