Support The Sisters of the Communatity of the Resyrection. 15791
Support The Sisters of the Communatity of the Resyrection. 15791
Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH
Project Description:
Brothers of our council gathered on ZOOM on 2 February for the Monthly Business Meeting. Many business items were discussed. One item of business which the Grand Knight brought up was donating to those in need. One of our PDGK raised the idea of giving $250.00 to the Community of the Resurrection to help the Sisters with their programs. The Grand Knight asked the PDGK to check with them to see what needs they had. Upon checking with the Sister in charge, our PDGK found out that they could use help with the purchase of heating oil. The Finance Team from the council put threw the request, and a check was written for the $250.00. Because of the Covid-19 Virus this check could not be presented live, so our PDGK volunteered to make contact with them once again, and mail the check to them. As a member of another council at one time, I worked with these Sisters, and can say what they do for the needy is Very Blessed. I thank the LORD for his support, and for Council 15791 sharing their treasurers.
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