Supporting Mothers and Children In Need. 15791

Supporting Mothers and Children In Need. 15791


Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH

Project Description:

Myself, and my wife made a donation to the Mother Seton House on 5 November 2021. At least once a year before Thanksgiving or Christmas we have always donated to an organization that works with the needy mothers and children within our community. This year we have chosen the Mother Seton House. This is our way to give back to the Lord for all our gifts he has given us, by supporting those in need. The mission of Mother Seton House is to provide the opportunity and help for the many mothers and children within the State of Maine, with a positive impact on issues affecting the quality of life for all in Maine. Just some of the items needed for the clients of the Mother Seton House. Gift cards, diapers, wipes, receiving blankets, liquid soap, paper towels, toilet paper safe for septic system, tissues, laundry detergent, etc. With our lifestyle the way it is during the Covid-19 virus this year, we were only able to donate $100.00. In visiting this facility in the pass, we know that they will be able to put our donation to good use. We thank our LORD for being able to allow us to help in some way during 2021. GOD Bless the staff for their talents and hard work to make Mothers, Children and their Family members a little less stressful during the up-coming holiday season.

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