Supporting Our Veterans at Togus and Within This Community. 15791

Supporting Our Veterans at Togus and Within This Community. 15791


Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH

Project Description:

Two council brothers and a Community resident once again this year lead this project for the Veterans. During August it was decided to reach out to the council and once again allocate funds to purchase 2021 Calendars for the Veterans and Residents of Togus and this Senior Community in Gray. Our Past Deputy Grand Knight received permission from the Council to purchase 100 calendars at $153.00 this year. Either in September of October the Calendars will be delivered to the council, and a couple of the council officers will see that they get delivered to the Veterans and residents. We have conducted this program since the forming of our council in 2013. We Thank the Lord for allowing us as a council to conduct this program once again this year.

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