Thanks-Christmas Turkey Dinner

Thanks-Christmas Turkey Dinner


Council: 10020 - No. WINDHAM

Project Description:

Our parish, like so many, has more financial needs than the weekly offertory can support. Yet, it is trying to find ways to support faith formation, in particular, for the youth of the parish. This year, the parish started two new programs, 1) a summer camp for the youth of our cluster with a particular focus of faith formation, established by the diocese and called “Totus Tuus”; and 2) monthly gatherings of the high school youth and their parents after Sunday mass combining lunch and faith formation sessions. Neither programs were “budgeted” items for the parish. Brother Knights decided to hold a special fund raising dinner to support such parish needs, invest in our youth, AND to celebrate the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons with our parish family on a mid December Saturday evening. During this hectic season, we wanted to take time to celebrate the love of our brothers and sisters in our parish family, give thanks for all the blessings we have received this year, and share a meal together.

The dinner was something new for the Council – a Turkey dinner (a dozen 8-9 pound turkeys) with all the fixings (stuffing, mashed potatoes, squash, gravy, cranberry sauce, rolls), coffee, tea, punch, deserts, AND ice cream Sundays. Planning for the even began in late November. Several brother Knights created publicity for the event, posting the event on the parish sign, stuffing flyers in the parish bulletin, and talking up the event in the parish community. Church leadership helped to spread the word. One brother knight took responsibility for shopping for the food. Several brothers (and spouses) took the lead as the head “chefs”. Many brother knights and their spouses made or bought deserts. Others set up the parish hall, moving the movable walls, setting up the tables and chairs, setting up the place mats, centerpieces, napkins, and silverware. Others decorated the hall with the Christmas theme. Others helped peel the potatoes and squash, and prepare the food. The parish leader of Faith Formation set up eight stations around the room to teach specifics about the Advent/Christmas season.

The dinner was opened with a Thanks-Christmas prayer offered by our Council’s spiritual adviser (a deacon). Seventy one meals were served. All were invited to visit the eight learning stations. A small group of youth and adults helped spread the joy with a side of Christmas Carols. The meal raised $715 and the 50/50 raffle raised another $70.

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