That Man Is You

That Man Is You


Council: 13861 - SANFORD

Project Description:

WHO: 15 to 20 men on average meet to share their faith experiences, to pray with and for each other and to grow in their relationship with Jesus, in order to become better Catholic Men, better Catholic Fathers, better Catholic Husbands.

WHAT: That Man is You! is a Catholic Men’s program that honestly addresses the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture, especially those relating to their roles as husbands and fathers. The program harmonizes current social and medical science with the teachings of the Church and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of man fully alive! Men of all ages meet to listen to relevant commentary on issues pertaining to being an effective Catholic Father and Husband.

WHEN/WHERE: We meet every Saturday morning for coffee and doughnuts at 6:30AM. The commentary begins at 7 AM and we are done at 8AM. This is designed to create little or no impact on the families busy schedule.

Men are faced with difficult challenges:
“How can you create a safe environment for your kids in these times of almost unlimited internet access?”
“How can you balance your Faith and your business?”
“How am I supposed to live like Jesus in the 21st Century?”

It’s been said that “TMIY is like a personal trainer in Faith!”

You owe it to yourself, to your children, to your spouse, to try to become the best Catholic you can be. TMIY can help you do that.

The sessions are free. The results are priceless.

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