Third annual Consecration to the Holy Family — 15791
Third annual Consecration to the Holy Family --- 15791
Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH
Project Description:
To help families live out the joy of Christ, our Pastor Fr. Phil Tracy and the Parish Knights of Columbus sponsored a “Consecration to the Holy Family” prayer at each of the weekend Masses during December 26 and 27, 2020 . In this prayer, we ask for the aid or intercession of the perfect son Jesus Christ, Mary the perfect mother, and Joseph who is a model for every father. Participating in the Consecration to the Holy Family is not a single event. It is choosing a way of life for your family. Through this Consecration, each participant is consciously choosing to be a beacon of God’s love through one’s Church. Today’s families are diverse, but the one element which is sacred to all families is the call to love. Strong and faith-filled Families are the foundation for a healthy and holy community. May we all model ourselves after the Holy Family and ask for their intercession for holiness.
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