Thrift Store Barbecue

Thrift Store Barbecue


Council: 680 - MILLINOCKET

Project Description:

Each year, the St. Martin’s of Tours Thrift Store officers ask Council 680 to host a barbecue picnic as a thank you for the many volunteers who make this project such a success. Proceeds from the Thrift Store are used to fund the various charitable endeavors sponsored by Christ the Divine Mercy Parish. The Council provides this service since it is our mission to assist the Church in any way we can. Two nights prior to event, volunteer members met at the Association Hall to prepare the various dishes on the menu. On July 26th 2019, the day of the event, volunteer members set up tables and place settings, prepared the grills, and cooked the meal. After the meal, the members cleaned up the Hall and disassembled the tables and stored them away. It is our wish to be there whenever any Church committee is in need of our assistance.

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