Tootsie Roll Drive and More

Tootsie Roll Drive and More


Council: 13181 - SABATTUS

Project Description:

Each Year, Council #13181 participates in the annual Tootsie Roll Drive, and we are proud to be able to give back to a needy individual or group in our community. This year’s Tootsie Roll Drive was different and closer to home. When deciding on whom to support with our Tootsie Roll proceeds, we discussed our local options. First and foremost, we wanted to find a child with intellectual disabilities in our community to meet the primary intended purpose for the Tootsie Roll Drive. When that search came up empty, we broadened the scope to include ill or otherwise needy individuals. Sadly, we found two with direct connections to our Council.

The first was the son-in-law of our Worthy Treasurer, Roland St. Amand, Mr. Denzel Grant. Mr. Grant was diagnosed with late stage cancer that had metastasized and was affecting key organs such as his liver. His family was devastated and struggling to cope with the impending loss. Treatment was ongoing, but the outlook was dim.

The second was our past Deputy Grand Knight, Mr. Normand Provencher. Brother Knight Normand had been diagnosed over a year ago with leukemia and had undergone chemo and radiation treatment and then a bone marrow transplant. Unfortunately, we learned that the bone marrow transplant had not been successful and he would have to undergo additional chemo treatments in preparation for a second attempt at jump starting the bone marrow.

As a council we simply couldn’t decide on one candidate over another, so we chose to donate the proceeds from the Tootsie Roll Drive (along with a some additional funds) to provide a $400 donation the the Grant family. In addition, we provided a second, matching donation of $400 from our general fund to Normand Provencher.

Sadly, Mr. Grant passed away within days of receiving his check. He is survived by his wife and we know that she was extremely thankful for the support in those most trying times.

Brother Knight Provencher continues his battle with cancer with a positive disposition and tremendous strength of will and character. We all continue to pray for his success in this battle and ask that all who read or hear this do the same.

The participants in our Tootsie Roll Drive include Robert Desbiens, Dan Bouffard, Robert Michaud (and son), James Ingalls, Justin Castonguay (and son).

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