Totus Tuus Summer Program
Totus Tuus Summer Program
Council: 2851 - LIMESTONE
Project Description:
Our Grand Knight was visiting our Pastor Fr. David Raymond and during the conversation was asked about whether the Knights could assist with serving dinner to the 40+ kids on Wednesday, 14 July. During our Council Meeting on the 6th of July, it was requested. However, when we arrived to assist, it was found that there were two ladies from the church but neither were the coordinator for the dinner and with 30 minutes left before the kids would arrive, nothing had been started except for the sauce and some tables and chairs set up. So, the 4 brother Knights and their wives immediately went to work to get the spaghetti started, got the serving line set up and then was told that the dinner was open to the parents and the public, potentially having closet to 100+ attendees. The kids and parents started arriving at 5:30 but was not able to start serving until 5:45. The brother Knights and wives then cleaned up the tables, cleaned all the pots and pans, saved the leftover sauce and distributed to the priest and the workers for future use. I told Father Dave that the Knights of Columbus are like the Marines; sometimes we have to “Improvise, Adapt and Overcome”, which is what we did to feed the 40+ kids and their parents.
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