Training on administering CPR, use of an AED, administering Narcan and perform a Heimlich manuver
Training on administering CPR, use of an AED, administering Narcan and perform a Heimlich manuver
Council: 11376 - BRIDGTON-FRYEBURG
Project Description:
Twenty-two St. Joseph Parishioners and Bridgton residents were trained by five EMT’s from the local United Ambulance Service how to perform CPR, use an AED, perform a Heimlich Manuver and administer Narcan. Our St. Joseph church has two AED machines which were donated by our Council and the St. Joseph Ladies Guild in the past years. This training session was precipitated when one of our Parishioners having a heart attack a few months ago and whose life was saved by one of our Knights who had previously been trained in administering CPR. The recipient whose life was saved was at the training session and related his story. His presence at the meeting emphasized the importance of proper training on how to respond to a medical emergency
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