Council: 334 - AUGUSTA
Project Description:
When we became members of the Order, we were instructed to not just ‘attend’ Mass, but to ‘fully participate’ in the celebration. This means to actively join in whichever ministries one is capable, and allowed, to pursue.
The Triduum is the culmination of our Lenten journey; the fulfillment of the promise made to us at Christmas; and, the preview of the 50-day Easter Season. It begins with the Holy Thursday Mass, where we see the installation of the Sacrament of Holy Orders, the Eucharist, and the mandate to serve one another.
The Good Friday Service again teaches us about the Passion of Our Lord and reminds us of the greatest sacrifice ever made. We remember His death on the cross, and His gift of eternal life.
Our mourning and silence of Good Friday and Holy Saturday are changed into gladness, with the return of the Gloria, bells, and thanksgiving of His sacrifice for us, at the Vigil Mass. It foretells the message of Sunday, when the women, followed by the disciples, discover that, “He is risen, indeed!”
Knights of the Parish served at all three services in ALL ministries: Priest, Deacon, Choir, Usher, Greeter, Lector, Eucharistic Minister, Sacristan, and congregant.
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