Council: 13181 - SABATTUS
Project Description:
I, Robert Michaud, serve as a Trustee on the Board of Directors of the Sigma Chi Fraternity Iota Zeta Chapter Alumni Association at Clarkson University in Potsdam, NY. The Sigma Chi Fraternity is a greek letter literary fraternity based on Christian values that promotes the development of character through brotherhood. The alumni association is responsible for owning and managing the capital assets of the undergraduate chapter including, but not limited to the Chapter House. We also work to maintain continuity of values between the alumni and undergraduate members. I serve as the Chairman of the Undergraduate Relations Committee that focuses specifically on interacting with the undergraduate members, helping them to solve challenges, and sharing with them tools to become better members of society as they graduate from college and join the ‘real world’. Part of my responsibilities include publishing a bi-annual newsletter to share the activities of our Brothers around the globe. Other duties include returning to campus for annual alumni meetings and facilitating undergraduate / alumni conferences.
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