Ultrasound Initiative

Ultrasound Initiative


Council: 114 - BANGOR

Project Description:

Pine Cone Council 114 had purchased a used US machine for First Step Pregnancy Resource Center, 336 Mt Hope Ave, Bangor, 04401 four years ago, and it had come to the end of its service life. Having maintained contact with Penni Hill, Executive Director at FSPRC, she asked, in spring of 2019, if we might be able to help her again. We willingly accepted the privilege of pursuing fundraising for a new 3D ultrasound unit, and voted unanimously to seek further info (re: the K of C Ultrasound Initiative program) and proceed with fundraising, at our 6/4/2019 Council Mtg. Note that Father Murray provided his blessing on the project… and the parish office was actively involved at many stages throughout the project. Frank Pease helped us get started and provided support throughout the project, especially when seeking initial state council and Diocese of Portland approval before fundraising could start. The initial planning committee of John Barry, Gerry Thibodeau, and Rey Dubois soon blossomed into involvement of all the council and assembly officers, and was discussed and modified at additional meetings in July and October through February. The final plan was to run a Baby Bottle Drive in St Paul the Apostle Parish, during the Christmas Season! What better time to support life than during the season which celebrates the birth of Jesus! Everyone, and especially families with children, could support such a worthy campaign! Bulletin announcements started 2 weeks before the 12/14/19 kick-off and ran until 2 weeks after the 2/9/20 Baby Bottle Pick-Up date, outlining an 8 week active campaign. At the 8 masses in 6 parish churches, Knights presented a speech before mass, asking for parish support. TV interview aired on FOX 22 News! 40 Knights, wives, and children handed out 480 baby bottles after masses on 12/14-15/19. We ran out of bottles, so Keith Forbes put out an APB and was able to get an additional 120 bottles from Phil Lizotte, Wells Council 9782, which were handed out on 12/21-22/19! 26 Knights participated in the Baby Bottle Pick-Up on 2/8-9/20. Additional donations were received through the Parish WE SHARE online giving program. The total cost of the Esaote 3D Ultrasound Machine was $42,000… and we have raised over $24,000 as of 2/24/20, enough to satisfy the requirements of the K of C 50% match program. The application is completed, signed… and is now in the hands of Supreme for final approval!

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