Up-dating Our Council Informational Packet With A Council Prayer. 15791

Up-dating Our Council Informational Packet With A Council Prayer. 15791


Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH

Project Description:

Two council brothers and our Parish Office Manager participated in designing a “Knights Council Prayer Card”. This was done at Holy Martyr’s and Saint Gregory’s during the 15th and 17th of April, 2019. In keeping up with the many bits of Recruiting information which our council has, our Faith In Action Director designed a new council prayer card which would go into the “New Parishioner Packets” which the Parish Officer hands out to each new parishioner. There are many ways of recruiting, with this being one of the many ways. With recruiting being such a big challenge today, we must as council’s find new ways of recruiting that Catholic man and his Family right up front, by letting them know that our Parish has an active Knights of Columbus Council, and invite them to join us.

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