Veterans Home Mass Bangor – Monthly

Veterans Home Mass Bangor - Monthly


Council: 114 - BANGOR

Project Description:

Pine Cone Council, 114 schedules, plans, prepares the Chapel at the Bangor Veterans Home for Mass on the fourth Friday at 10:30 AM each month. Brother Jimmy Landers and three other reoccurring brothers ensure our veterans have a Christian Mass at least monthly. During these times of lack of Priest, scheduling a Priest is increasingly difficult, and diligence on Jimmy’s part is critical in making this Mass happen month after month. Knowing that our veterans are cared for spiritually is a noteworthy goal of the Council and Brother Landers.

This mass is well nurtured and loved by all who help put it on, and for those who attend the mass. Thank you Brothers for driving this much needed and heart felt mass opportunities for our Veterans.

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