Visit to Togus Veterans Center to assist ambulatory patients to Mass

Visit to Togus Veterans Center to assist ambulatory patients to Mass


Council: 11257 - PORTLAND

Project Description:

5 brother Knights from Council 11257 on May 5th made a trip to Togus Veterans center to assist ambulatory veterans to attend Sunday morning mass at 9:00am. The knights left at 6:45am and arrived at the center at 8:15am. We assisted 4 veterans in attending mass which was at 9:00am and ended at 10:00am. We returned the veterans to their room and visited with them for a bit. Our council is scheduled for one visit a year to help out and are called upon at times with other councils can not attend. There are also local parishioners who attend the Sunday mass. It is a great experience for brothers who have not been to center or shared time with the veterans.

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