Visitation of a Late Brother Knight
Visitation of a Late Brother Knight
Council: 1423 - No. WHITEFIELD
Project Description:
When Blessed McGivney established the Knights of Columbus, he specifically directed that we take care of the remaining family, when a Brother Knight passes from this mortal realm. he did not place any geographic restrictions on the limits, if any, of our support. When an adjoining Council and Assembly asked for assistance in honoring a Brother, it is an unwritten moral and spiritual obligation for us to assist that Council and Assembly. When Brother Sir Knight Ray Comeua passed recently, the Brothers of Council 136, and Assembly 0340 found they did not have enough members to properly provide an Honor Guard at his Visitation. A call was put out to render such aid. Enough Brother and Sir Knights were present to provide an Honor Guard at the Wake, and to celebrate the Recitation of the Rosary. Our presence was greatly appreciated by the family.
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