Walking in Jesus’s Shoes- Helping His Children
Walking in Jesus's Shoes- Helping His Children
Council: 114 - BANGOR
Project Description:
As has been one of the many projects undertaken by the Brothers of the Pine Cone Council #114 in Bangor, the council has continued, as it has for the past 25 years, to serve the needy and homeless of the Bangor Maine area with a hot meal on the 4th Thursday of the Month. This year was quite different from others because of the Pandemic and various government and CDC guidelines. In January and February we served, as we always have, a meal of Shepherds Pie and “all the fixins”. March thru May saw us gather once a week at K of C headquarters at St. Theresa’s Catholic Church in Brewer to make a bag lunch with a sandwich and “all the fixins”. We moved back to the Salvation Army in July to begin serving Shepherds Pie again with many changes . Instead of serving from a line as had always been the practice in the past, we used clam shells as a serving dish, filling it with a hot, nutritious meal which was served by Salvation Army Staff. The “Why” part of this equation is two fold. First and foremost is our need and desire to “serve Jesus’s Children”. It has been the desire of the Pine Cone Council to fulfill this need for a long time and we will continue to fill this need for many more years to come. The second part is the camaraderie that has grown over the years of the brother Knights who show up every month to work and enjoy each others company. It is the right project to do and why not have fun doing it.
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