Weekly Men’s Holy Group. (TMIY) 15791

Weekly Men's Holy Group. (TMIY) 15791


Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH

Project Description:

During the last five years between 5-12 council brothers have attended and participated in this Men’s Holy Hour Group (TMIY) at Sacred Heart Church, and Holy Martyr’s Church. This program is held each Saturday morning and is lead by one of our council brother knights. The Program titled “That Man Is You” is as interactive, multimedia men’s program focused upon the development of authentic male leadership. Over the course of five years, That Man Is You! successively considers men in their relationship to God, to their Spouse and to their Children. The program content harmonizes current social and medical science with the teachings of the Church and the wisdom of the Saints, to develop the vision of man fully alive. It is particularity indebted to the teachings of the “Second Vatican Council and Pope John Paul II. I myself have enjoyed this Brotherhood with my fellow Knights and non- Knight Catholic men of this Parish, and I encourage all my Brothers to attend.

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