Westbrook Food Train
Westbrook Food Train
Council: 2219 - WESTBROOK
Project Description:
On 24 March 2018, Westbrook Council 2219, in support of the yearly Westbrook Food Drive, known as the “Westbrook Food Train”, to benefit the Westbrook Food Pantry, the Council sponsored a food drive at St Anthony Parish, Westbrook, Me to assist in the collection of food for this particular community food drive. Because of the amount of meals that one box of cereal can provide, to include its nutritional value, this council focused on boxes of cereals, and placed weekly advertisements in the Sebago Lake Region Parish Bulletin as well as announcing it at various meetings and events that council members participated in. On May 6th, 2018, a train of vans picked up food, not only at St Anthony Parish, but at various Westbrook businesses and churches. The food was delivered to the Westbrook Food Pantry, where volunteers sorted and shelved for distribution to clients. The Councils Family Director, and also the husband of the Director of the Westbrook Food Pantry was point person at St Anthony Parish along with members of his family and several other Brother Knights. The number of people listed above as participating refers only to those physically involved in the collecting, transporting, sorting etc. of the food contributed at St Anthony’s, not to the people who contributed and not to the people who participated elsewhere in the City of Westbrook.
A total of 162 boxes of cereal was donated at St Anthony Parish, which will provide over 1100 bowls of cereal.
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