Windsor Fair Food Booth

Windsor Fair Food Booth


Council: 334 - AUGUSTA

Project Description:

Our first Principle is Charity. In order to build a financial base to give to charitable purposes, the Council must raise funds. The food booth at Windsor Fair is the primary fund-raising mechanism employed by Abnaki Council.
Prior to the actual opening date of the Fair, many Knights expended several hours of time and travel to set-up the booth; acquire supplies; and, make any necessary repairs to damage from the previous winter’s non-use.
During the run of the Fair, many Brothers, family members, as well as Brothers and family members from other Councils, received food orders, cooked, and served meals to over one thousand fair-goers. This resulted in a significant monetary base for the Council to provide for those neighbors in need through the coming months.
Needless to say, once the Fair is over, there is still work to be done! There are utensils to clean, food and supplies to store; the booth has to be thoroughly cleaned for the winter, and utilities shut-off.
It is a lot of work, but it is worth it, to be able to live up to the first Principle of the Order.

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