World Marriage Mass Celebration. 15791
World Marriage Mass Celebration. 15791
Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH
Project Description:
Brothers from our council, their wives, families, friends and Parishioners helped to celebrate our Annual World Marriage Mass, at Saint Gregory’s Church as part of the 4 PM Mass. On behalf of the Knights of Columbus, the Pastor who conducted the Mass extended a hearty invitation to all Parishioners to join him in the World Marriage Day Mass. During the time that Marriage Encounter has existed in the U.S., one of its gifts has been the wonderful relationships that have grown between countless couples and priests. Recognizing World Marriage Day helps to build a stronger relationship between each other, and our Faith. This will allow us to be walking the Path which Jesus did some 2,000 years ago together on our faith journey. Many thanks to all who participated in last evenings Mass. This year our presiding Deacon asked all couples to stand, and then asked the couples who had been married the longest. The winning couple this year has been married for 63 years. As part of the Mass Celebration the Knights assisted in being the Presider, Lecturer, Ministers, Gift Bearers, and Ushers. Fr. Michael J McGivney would have been proud of the Knights participating in this celebration.
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