
Vocations 2018

A Prayer for Vocations

Loving Father, you sent your Son so that all might come to know the truth and be saved. With the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, you continue his work through the Church. Your Son reminded his disciples that the harvest was indeed plentiful but the laborers few.
Following his instructions, we beg you to call many to ordained ministry and religious life. Grant them the grace to hear you and to respond wholeheartedly. May Mary Immaculate the mother of your Son, and the patroness of our diocese, intercede for us. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.


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Worthy District Deputies and Mid-Year Meeting Attendees,

We are in the middle of the schoolyear. It is more important than ever to support the SEMINARIANS because of the crucial lack of ordained priests.

As an organization, we have fallen behind in our financial support of the seminarians. Just a reminder that councils should participate in the RSVP program. Remember that when donations of $500 given to  the Seminarian, Supreme will refund $100 when KofC form 2863, which can be found on Supremes’ web site-KofC.org, is submitted with a copy of the check and statement showing check has been cashed.

Included is a copy of the RSVP form, and the poster showing the current seminarian information.

Please bring this important program to the attention of all your Grand Knights.

If more information is required, please contact State Vocation Director, Paul Ouellette via email: oulltt@roadrunner.com or telephone 207-402-0033.

In closing, please remind Grand Knights to inform the Vocation Director of all support given to the Seminarians.


Respectfully Yours in Christ,

Paul A Ouellette

State Vocation Director

Related Files:

Vocations Handbook
2017-2018 Seminarians


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